Monday, May 8, 2017

Home-Whiplash High Cotton

Well I couldn't resist getting another Whiplash beer and this time it was their Grapefruit Belgian Single, High Cotton. It pours a hazy dark straw color with a thin receding white head. The aroma is an intense grapefruit bomb, especially the juice with a subtle grassiness and a strong Belgian yeast spice component as well. The beer has a lively carbonation on the tongue and starts out with a slightly grainy crackery taste. This is quickly followed by a tart and bitter grapefruit punch. Further in the flavor their is also that Belgian yeast flavor. It finishes fairly dry, but does have somewhat of a lasting grapefruit bitterness that sticks in the mouth. The addition of grapefruit to a Belgian was interesting and made it a little more bitter than most Belgian beers, but overall it was still well crafted and tasty.

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