Friday, May 12, 2017

Home-Black Donkey Beyond

This RyePA pours a deep orange, coppery color with a strong lasting off-white head. It has a nice hoppy floral aroma with spicy rye, a mild fruitiness, and sweet breadiness also coming through well on the nose. The flavor starts out with a graininess that develops into a rye spice flavor mixed with some nondescript hoppy flavor. The mouthfeel is nice with a medium-full, slick body, and starts with a voluminous head that is hard to crack. It is well balanced with almost no perceivable bitterness with a medium-dry finish. Overall, this is a balanced drinkable beer without too many aggressive flavors. This would go well with food, but if you are looking for a beer to blow your mind, I'm sure there are more flavorful beers, but this one is still very nice.

Well the semester is almost at its end, and I have my last exam tomorrow. It has been an amazing ride and I will always remember my time at UCD. Even though that chapter is ending I do still have a little bit more time abroad. Luckily, I will be able to go to Italy next week with Becky and have a couple more days in Dublin before flying home. I should have a couple more posts for you all, and at the end I will be sure to post a finale, ranking all my beers from last to first and detailing my favorite stories and adventures from this incredible 4 journey.

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