Monday, February 27, 2017

Home-Porterhouse Plain

The Porterhouse is a brewpub based in Dublin that puts out some of its beer in bottles, so I took the opportunity to pick up a few of their selections and enjoyed this porter during this weekend's exciting rugby match where Ireland took down the French.

It pours a deep brown color with garnet edges and is neither black nor opaque, just dark. It had a rocky, multi-fingered, light tan head. The aroma is mostly of chocolate but there is some coffee and burnt roast as well. The taste is chocolatey up front but that turns into a burnt, acrid bitterness on the back end. It isn't unpleasant but had a bit stronger of the black roast character than many of the other porters and stouts I have had in Ireland. It is a decent beer offering a bit of the diversity roasted malts can add to a beer and was pretty easy drinking with a medium body if you like that roasty bitterness on the back end.

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