Friday, April 21, 2017

the Gasworks-Galway Bay Buried at Sea

Finally had a chance to make it to another one of the Galway Bay bars. This time I was at the Gasworks, which had much more of a restaurant feel than the Beer Market, which felt more like a hangout spot. Nevertheless, still a great place with 26 beers on tap, an impressive bottle selection, and even a hand pump for cask ale. I will definitely be back here soon to try some of their other amazing beers.

While it was a tough decision, I decided to go with one of the house beers, a milk chocolate stout, and I'm glad I did. It pours a brownish black color with no light coming through and a 1 finger bubbly receding brown head. The aroma is nice with coffee and chocolate coming out strong and no burnt grain astringency. The flavor is excellent very chocolatey and sweet with a rich luscious filling mouthfeel that turns creamy on the back end leaving your mouth with a lingering sweetness, but it doesn't become unpleasant at all.  This is a great milk stout, really excellent and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a sweeter chocolatey stout.

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