Friday, January 13, 2017

35,000 Ft.

Well today marks the beginning of my journey, departure, so I figured I'd write a little intro for the blog and myself.

My name is Henry, and during the course of this blog, I will be studying abroad in Dublin, Ireland. While there I plan to try lots of Irish craft beers as well as local beers wherever else I travel. Additionally, my girlfriend Becky will be with me in Dublin, practically taking all the same classes, so it will be exciting to experience this all with her too.

Each post will begin with a beer review describing how it tastes and what the pub is like. After that I will go into what I've been doing recently, cool places I've been, upcoming travel plans, etc. Hopefully, I will be able to include pictures of my travels too. At this point the plan is to do a new review/post 2-3 times a week, but time will tell what the right amount is.

It's really strange that I am leaving today. I've been planning for this trip for over a year now, but until recently, all the build up hasn't seemed quite real. Only now, as I've prepared to depart has it hit me that I will really be living in Dublin for the next 4 months.

I hope you enjoy reading about my travels and the beers I imbibe, and hopefully it inspires you to travel and experience fantastic beer. Its going to be quite an adventure.


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